[logon] preparing for another LOGON snapshot: Barcelona

Francis Bond bond at ieee.org
Tue Aug 4 11:16:44 CEST 2009


2009/8/4 Stephan Oepen <oe at ifi.uio.no>:
> dear all, here is a long overdue update on our LOGON Barcelona release.
> seeing that i had failed to completely freeze this release prior to the
> barcelona meeting and in the light of various conversations we had, the
> final release date was moved to monday, 17-aug.

> i have yet to check with montse, but if possible we will try to include
> an up-to-date FreeLing and current SRG in this release.  i will further
> see whether i can work with woodley to produce new `pangolui' binaries.
> other than these changes, i have no plans for additional updates.  if,
> seeing the latest release schedule, you would like to commit additional
> revisions, could you please let me know about such plans?

I would like to add some small changes to EnEn and possibly some minor
fixes to JaEn, as well as some more Jacy treebanks and possibly
models.  I think Sanghoun has made a few changes to KRG that should
also go in, I hope to see him soon and confirm.

BTW, did you and Dan have a look at what seemed to be a bug in the
parse ranking?

Francis Bond <http://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/fcbond/>
Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies
Nanyang Technological University

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