[logon] preparing for another LOGON snapshot: Barcelona

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 21:56:51 CEST 2009


>> I will probably also have KoJa and JaKo as well as an EnEn paraphrase
>> system ready by then. Are we aiming to be an inclusive release?  If so
>> I will bundle them up too.
> well, we are always aiming to be inclusive, but given that both you and
> i are a little constrained in our time these weeks, we should calibrate
> our ambitions carefully :-).
> assuming KRG can now be used without proprietary third-party software,
> i would be happy including it in the LOGON tree.  should i just make a
> copy of the KRG SVN trunk, and call that `khu/krg/'?

KRG can now be used without proprietary third-party software.  Allow
me to check with Sanghoun about the timing for the release.

> i could then make
> available directories `uio/koja/' and `uio/jako/', and let you populate
> those with transfer grammars.  i assume you have MT configuration files
> too, and i could add these to SVN and create cpu definitions.  however,
> if we decide to add these, i think they should be reasonably polished,
> i.e. we should not be embarassed if anyone where to look at these files
> (or worse, use them as role models for additional language pairs).  if
> the best we can hope to do at this point were to drop mildly half-baked
> versions into SVN, then i think i would rather leave that to after the
> Barcelona release.  i.e. these new language pairs will then be part of
> the LOGON `trunk' (which, a few months from now, we will recommend for
> people to use anyway, as Barcelona will be out of date), until the next
> complete release.  what do you prefer, francis?

Let's leave them out for now, and hope to include them in the next release.

>> Probable:
>>  * LexTypeDB
> for that to be included, the code should go into the LKB `trunk' before
> thursday next week.  26-jun is the last time i plan to pick up changes
> to LKB code for this cycle.  is that a realistic goal?

I will aim for that deadline.

>>  * Useful unknown word handling
> not sure what you meant by that?  i realize i owe everyone a follow-up
> on the earlier thread on the `developers' list, but we have made some
> changes in the ERG already (which dan and i hope are useful :-), and i
> believe that is all we can expect to do for this release; the world is
> not perfect, but in this case it is at least better than it used to be.

My current task-driven criteria for usefulness is that I can generate
from sentences with unknown words, an admittedly narrow view.   But I
am happy to go with what we have now, which I am sure is more useful
than it was :-).

I was hoping for some development based on the discussion on
developers --- as it now stands I haven't put any chart mapping code
into Jacy, as I was waiting for the dust to settle.  I think I will
just have to miss out on chart mapping in this release.

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Language Infrastructure Group

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