[logon] How do I score logon results from the Tanaka corpus?

Bill McNeill (UW) billmcn at u.washington.edu
Sat Mar 28 00:54:48 CET 2009

I have been able to run a logon experiment on the Tanaka Japanese corpus and
generate a score file in the profile, however, I am unable to evaluate the
accuracy.  I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

I have run a single parse ranking experiment on profile ja_6 in the Tanaka
corpus, which on my machine is under


I now have a

[tanaka_ja_6] GP[0] +PT -LEX CW[] -AE NS[0] NT[] -NB LM[0] FT[:::1] RS[]
MM[tao_lmvm] MI[5000] RT[1.0e-6] AT[1.0e-20] VA[1.0e+4] PC[100]

in this directory.  This directory contains non-zero relations, item, score,
and fold files.  The contents of the score file look correct.

I have also a full logon tree checked out under:


I want to run summarize-folds on the output of my experiment and get
accuracy numbers.  If I feed the following .lisp script into load

(setf *tsdb-home* "/home/billmcn/logon/lingo/redwoods/tsdb/home")
(summarize-folds :output "/home/billmcn/temp/tanaka_ja_6.results" :pattern

it runs for a couple minutes and generates an empty tanaka_ja_6.results
file.  The STDOUT from load all looks correct to me.  (This is attached.)

Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?
Bill McNeill
Sent from: Seattle Washington United States.
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